NOMA COOL BV Versione Odoo 14.0+e

Informazioni sull'istanza NOMA COOL BV di Odoo, l' ERP open source.

Applicazioni installate

Dai preventivi alle fatture
Fatture e pagamenti
Monitoraggio contatti e chiusura opportunità
Sito web
Creatore di siti web aziendali
Gestione del magazzino e delle attività logistiche
Gestione contabilità finanziaria e analitica
Ordini di acquisto, offerte e contratti
Vendita di prodotti in rete
Crea e personalizza le applicazioni Odoo
Gestione documenti
Selezione del personale
Monitora il flusso di selezione del personale
Informazioni centralizzate sui dipendenti
Weight In Supplier Invoice Lines
Use this weight in intrastat report
DEB (Déclaration d'Échange de Biens) for France
Module for Intrastat service reporting (DES) for France
Odoo Direct Print PRO
Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL!
Mail Messages Easy. Show all messages Show sent messages, Reply to message Forward message Print message Archive message Delete Undelete message, Quote message Move message
Read and manage all Odoo messages in one place!
Mail Messages Easy Pro: Show Lost Message, Move Message, Reply, Forward, Move, Edit or Delete from Chatter, Filter Messages in Chatter
Move Message, Show Lost Messages Reply, Forward, Move, Edit or Delete from Chatter, Filter Messages in Chatter
SendCloud Odoo Shipping Connector
Integrate & Manage your SendCloud Shipping Operations from Odoo
Display a Creator of Schedule Activity
Added created by on mail activities
Change Zip Location | Increase TreeView Limits
100 records limit on each list/tree view
Added all english english email templates
Attach Multi Documents To Products
Can attach multi document to multi products
Calculate Automatic Unit Price On Purchase|SupplierInvoice
Automatically calculate amount on purchase and invoices
Bounce Email Reply
Sending An Bounce Email With Proper Text
Credit Note Payment Ref. to Vendor Bill
This module allow to add a credit note payment reference to vendor bill
Default Set All Inbox Mail With Star
Sometime we missed important mails, so we put all incoming/inbox mails with star
Default Sepa Payment Method
This module allow to set default sepa payment method when you register a payment for bills
Set Default Values For Sales Quotes
Default Values On Sales
Delivery After Payment Reconciliation
Waiting For Payment > Unblock So From Reconciliation Page > Send an Email
Activate/Deactivate Documents Folder / Facet / Tags
This module allow to make proper folder management without breaking any references
Dropshipping Description Put to PO/Delivery
Route set dropshipping then we put sale line description to PO/Delivery
Dropship Sales To Purchase Link
Open Sales to Purchase directly for dropship
Plain Layouts of Email Templates | Multi PDF(s)
Can attach multi pdf(s) to email templates
Force Assign Qty on Picking
This module allow to force validate quantity on picking & remove unavailable quantity warning on sales.
Manually Purchase Order To Fully Invoiced
This module allow to make an purchase order to fully invoiced by finish button
Manually Order To Fully Invoiced
This module allow to make an order to fully invoiced by finish button
MT940 Bank Statements Import
Extended Functionality Of NCN
NCN Improvements
Product Search By Manufacturing Code
Product Search By Manufacturing Code
Product Studio Fields Customization
Sale Layout Functionality Like V11
Categories By Section/Report Layouts
Custom E-mail For Planification of Delivery
Sending Custom E-mail For Planification of Delivery
Social Chatter : Sales Order With Partner Information
Message Display it Like : Sale Order (Partner Name)
Split Invoice Dashboard Filters
This module allow to split filter invoices to pay between purchase invoice and credit note
Stop SalesPerson as Follower into Invoice
This module disable to add sales person as follower into invoice
NCN : Intrastat customisation
Intrastat customisation :Update Tree view of DEB computation lines
NCN : Report customisation
Report customisation :Font size update
NCN : Sale customisation
Sale customisation :If Credit limit exceed show warning message.
NCN : Sale Purchase customisation
Sale Purchase customisation :Pass description from SO to PO
ZPL Label Designer
Design and publish ZPL labels with easy to use interface.
Generare fatture ricorrenti e gestire i rinnovi
Chat, posta elettronica e canali privati
Rubrica degli indirizzi centralizzata
Gestione contratti di noleggio, consegne e restituzioni
Programma gli incontri dei dipendenti
Pubblicazione di articoli, annunci e notizie in un blog
Chat dal vivo
Chat con i visitatori del sito web
Creazione di bacheche personalizzate
Libro paga
Gestione delle registrazioni a libro paga dei dipendenti
Contratti dipendente
Sistema di pagamento Ingenico
Sistema di pagamento: implementazione Ingenico
SIPS Wordline

Localizzazioni / Piani dei conti installati

DEB (Déclaration d'Échange de Biens) for France
Module for Intrastat service reporting (DES) for France
Belgio - Contabilità
Belgio - Importazione estratti conto CODA
Belgio - Informazioni strutturate
Belgio - Rendiconti contabili
Francia - Contabilità
French Departments (Départements)
Populate Database with French Departments (Départements)
Francia - FEC
Fichier d'Échange Informatisé (FEC) per la Francia
Francia - Rendiconti contabili
French company identity numbers SIRET/SIREN/NIC
French States (Régions)
Populate Database with French States (Régions)
Piano dei conti multilingua